Saturday, November 5, 2011


Palpation of the eye is done with the objective of identifying and knowing takanan eyeball adnya tenderness. To measure eye pressure more thoroughly tonometry tool is needed that requires special expertise.
How to palpation to determine eye pressure
1. Tell the patient to sit
2. Instruct the patient to close his eyes
3. Perform palpation in both eyes. When the eye pressure rises, eyes hard palpable.
Advanced-level assessment (assessment fundoscopy)
Assessment of advanced eye (fundoscopy) is done at the end.The assessment was undertaken to determine the composition of the retina by using tools ophthalmoscope. To do this, requires a knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the eye that adequate and specialized skills in using tools
How it works funduscopic assessment
1. Adjust the position of the patient sits in a chair
2. Tell the patient about the action to be performed
3. Put 1-2 drops of drugs that can dilate the pupil in the short term, for example Tropikamid (when there is no contradiction)
4. Adjust the room lighting a bit dim
5. Sitting in a chair in front of patients
6. Tell the patient to look steadily at a certain point and suggest to keep the point of view without blinking.
7. If the patient or you wear glasses, should dlepas first.
8. Hold the ophthalmoscope, set the lens on the numbers 0, turn and point to the pupils from a distance of about 30 cm until you find the red reflex which is the light emitted from the retina. If the location is not right ophthalmoscope, reflex reed will not appear.Red reflex also does not appear in a variety of disorders, such as cataracts.
9. If the red reflex is found, hold the ophthalmoscope is slowly kemata patients. If the patient's myopia, set towards the negative control (red). If the patient hypertropia, set the control to the positive direction (black).
10. Observe that in fundal systematically start by observing a large blood vessels. Record when found abnormalities. Continue observations by comparing the size of the arteries and veins that normally have a ratio of 4:5. Then observe the color of the macula which normally appear lighter than the retina. Next observe colors, borders, and pigmentation and optic disc. Normally the optic disc-shaped circular, slightly yellow, pink, bright borders and fixed with a varying amount of pigment. Then observe the color of the retina, there may be bleeding, and any abnormalities exist.
11. Compare the left and right eye.
12. Record the results of the assessment clearly
13. After the assessment is complete, Pilocarpine 2% drops to dilate the eye that neutralize the observed (in patients who spilled Tropikamid)
14. Wait / make sure the patient can see the original crate.

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