Friday, November 11, 2011


Color often dominates in everyday life, ranging from individuals to a state figure. For example our state flag red and white. This color is a symbol that has meaning. It is also found in the symbols of organizations, associations and even individuals.
 Before the discussion about the meaning of each color, the color can be grouped as follows: cool colors, warm colors and neutral colors. Which include cool colors including blue, green, turquoise and silver. Cool colors tend to give effect to the viewer a sense of calm. Although it is used alone, these colors can have a cold or impersonal. Which includes warm colors include: red, pink, yellow, orange, purple, and gold. Warm colors tend to have an effect of excitement to the viewer. However when these colors are used alone can stimulate, generating emotions of violence / intensity and anger. Which includes among other neutral colors: brown, ivory, gray, white and black ..

1 Red
It symbolizes the impression of energy, strength, passion, eroticism, courage, aggression, passion, warmth, a symbol of fire, achieving goals, blood, risk, fame, love, struggle, attention, war, danger, speed, heat, hardness. This color can convey a tendency to display images and text are larger and closer. red color can interfere when used in large sizes. Red-suited to the theme that shows a person's courage. energy such as cars, motor vehicles, sports and games. Such a positive sense of love, energy, power, strength, heat, warmth, while the negative sense, among others, anger, danger, warning, impatience, suffering.

If the red color of a favorite, then it includes the type of person who is very dignified and friends are also happy to nurture the weak. Although often hang out and joke around but this guy could not resist. These include the type of person who is difficult to fall in love.

2. White
Demonstrate peace, an apology, the achievement of self, spirituality, divinity, virginity or chastity, simplicity, perfection, cleanliness, light, innocence, security, unity. The white color is great for display or emphasize other colors as well as giving the impression of simplicity and cleanliness. Positive meaning, among others: the good, the state of innocence, purity, fresh, easy, clean, whereas the negative sense: winter, cold, distant.

If you like the color white, then you are a person who is born into the world with a perfect, a lot of people admire you because of its graceful, idealists and moralists are very high. Never arrogant, happy to help anyone who needs your help.

3. Black
Symbolizes protection, expulsion, something negative, binding, power, formality, mystery, wealth, fear, evil, unhappiness, feeling a deep, sadness, anger, something that breaks, self-esteem, anti-establishment, sexuality, sophistication, death. It is appropriate to add the impression of mystery. Black background can show perspective and depth. It is great for displaying artwork or photography because it helps the emphasis on other colors. Positive sense: protection, dramatic, serious, stylish / elegant, formality, while the negative sense: confidentiality, death, crime / disaster, occultation.

If you like the color black, then you're the type who is very agile in certain matters only. If you are in an environment that is not liked, then you will become depressed. You always look nice, neat, pretty much the opposite sex trying to catch up and win your love.

4. Blue
Gives the impression of communication, good fortune, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration / beliefs, conservative, security, technology, cleanliness, order, peace, gentleness, dynamic, water, sea, creativity, love, peace, trust, loyalty, intelligence, role model , the strength of adlam, sadness, stability, confidence, awareness, messages, ideas, sharing, idealism, friendship and harmony, affection.
These colors give the impression of calm and stressed the desire. Blue eyes are not asking for attention. Object and blue images can basically create a feeling of a cool and quiet. The blue color can also display the power of technology, hygiene, air, water and deep water. In addition, when combined with red and yellow can give the impression of confidence and health. Positive meaning: silence, love, fidelity, security, trust, intelligence, while the negative sense: cold, fear, masculinity.

If you like the color blue, then you fall into the type of moody, always pleasant and always act passively in all respects. Crave peace and tranquility. You always get into trouble in the association. Similarly, in love because you are good at hiding feelings.

5. Green
Indicates the color of the earth, physical healing, abundance, miracles, plants and trees, natural, healthy, good luck, fertility, growth, young, material success, renewal, endurance, balance, dependence and friendship. Can be used for relaxation, neutralize the eyes, winning the mind, stimulate creativity. Positive sense: money, growth, fertility, freshness, healing, whereas a negative sense: envy, jealousy, guilt, confusion

If your favorite color is green, then you are the type who is very romantic, like beauty, enjoying nature with the cool air. You are someone who always holds the principle. In terms of sex you crave, desire prospective life partner of tolerance and trustworthy.

6. Yellow
Referring to the sun, memory, logical imagination, social energy, cooperation, happiness, joy, warmth, loyalty, mental stress, perception, understanding, wisdom, betrayal, jealousy, deception, weakness, a coward, action, idealism, optimism, imagination, hope , summer, philosophy, uncertainty, worry and suspicion.
Color Yellow stimulates mental activity and attract attention, is very effectively used in the blogsite that emphasizes the feeling of happiness and childish. Positive sense: light / bright, energy, solar, creativity, intellect, happy, whereas a negative sense: coward, irresponsible, unstable.

If your favorite color yellow signifies that you have an optimistic nature. You type cheerful and happy to get along, do not have a lackluster appearance. The nature of mutual help is always there inside you, because it is an absolute obligation to help you. You people never underestimate anybody, even if someone is dumb or stupid.

7. Pink
Pink color indicates the symbol of affection and love, friendship, feminine, trust, goodwill, treatment of emotions, peace, feeling the smooth, sweet and wonderful feeling. Positive sense: a healthy, happy, feminine, compassion, sweet, playful, while the negative sense: weakness, femininity, immaturity.

8. Purple
Shows the influence, third view, spiritual strength, knowledge is hidden, high aspirations, transformation, nobility, ceremony, mystery, enlightenment, telepathy, empathy, arrogance / vanity, intuition, trust in, ambition, magic or miracle, self-esteem.

If the color purple became the color of your favorites then you are the type that is really incredible. In the face of your future was never in doubt. What you do is the best. You are good at right in with the times. In love, only they are mentally strong and approach that can be your lover.

9. Orange
Shows warmth, energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, friendship, business achievements, career, success, health, mind, justice, endurance, fun, fast motion, something that grows, interests, independence. In a blog can increase mental activity. Besides Orange color gives a strong impression on the elements that are considered important. Positive meaning: courage, confidence, warmth / friendliness, familiarity, success, whereas a negative meaning: ignorance, sluggish.

10. Brown
Shows friendship, special events, ground / earth, materialist thinking, reliability, peace, productivity, practical, hard work, confidence, endurance, pleasure. Brown is not very attractive when used without any additional specific pictures and ornaments. Chocolate should be supported in order to attract other ornaments. Positive sense: friendly, earth, out of the house, long life, conservative, while the negative sense: dogmatic, conservative.

11. Gray
Reflecting the security, intelligence, staid, modesty, maturity is, conservative, practical, sadness, boredom, professional, quality, quiet, calm, the future (the millennium). Positive sense: security, reliability, intelligence / intelligence (intellect), solid, conservative. Negative sense: somber, sad, conservative

12. Gold
Reflecting the position, health, safety, joy, wisdom, meaning, purpose, a search into the liver, mystical power, science, feelings of awe, concentration. Positive meaning: wealth, prosperity, precious, traditional, while the negative sense: greed, dreamer

13. Turquoise
Positive meaning: spiritually, heal, protect, sophisticated
Negative Meaning: jealousy, femininity

14. Silver
Positive sense: glamorous, tall, graceful, sleek
Negative sense: dreamer, insincere

15. Tan (fine wool that is still white)
Positive sense: dependability, flexible, curly, conservative
Negative Meaning: dull, boring, conservative

16. Ivory
Positive meaning: peace, comfort, cleanliness / purity, warm
Negative sense: weak, unstable

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