Shaun the Sheep is an animation made in England and began airing on CBBC in March 2007 by the Sheep Inggris.Shaun tells intelligent sheep who behave like human beings, often behave silly, funny and creative. Shaun the Sheep combine slapstik and classic silent comedy, there is no meaningful conversations between characters.
At first glance it's like in the animated cartoon Wallace and Gromit, the technique used by more use of clay techniques. I call ANILEMPUNG or animation techniques to create materials that have texture and structure such as clay, the Javanese call it a clay.
Anilempung require more precision than conventional techniques using animation software. The advantages of this technique is more detailed character detail, have a unique shape and arrangement of a more natural light.
Shaun the sheep have better techniques and advanced when compared to the Wallace and Gromit. Animators create the sheep by first molding their bodies into shape, then wrap their bodies in white fleece. a small foot and silicon are added. Animator has a number of bodies, some on all four feet and some only two, all adapted to different settings of the relevant motion. Animators create the sheep blink, smile, chew or whatever, using sheep's mouth elections.
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