Saturday, November 5, 2011


1. Tablet
The tablet comes from the Greek, tabula, which means 'table'.

A common form of tablets
The tablet is a mixture of active substance and the binder, usually in powder form, which is formed into a solid. The drugs are administered orally, is very commonly available in tablet form; use of the word tablet itself is generally referring to the tablets. Tablets are also often called pills. Other products are also produced in a soluble form of tablets which will include products for cleaning and deodorizing. Can also be said, the Tablet is a compact solid dosage felts made in print in the form of tubes or flat circular flat or convex surfaces both contain one or more drugs with or without additional materials.
Kind of - kind of tablet:
a. Tablet Æ Kempa most widely used, the size can vary, depending on the design shape and mold marking
b. Print Æ tablets made with low pressure on the mass of moisture in the mold hole.
c. Æ Trikurat tablet tablet felt or small print generally cylindrical shape. It's rare to find
d. Æ hypodermic tablets made from a material that dissolves easily in water ataumelarut perfect. It used to make hypodermic injection preparations, now administered orally.
e. Sublingual Tablets Æ desired rapid effect (not through the liver). Used by placing the tablet under the tongue.
f. Æ buccal tablets are used to put between cheek and gum.
g. Æ Efervescen tablets tablets dissolve in water. Must be packed in tightly covered container or moisture resistant packaging. On the label is written "not to be devoured".
h. Chew tablets chewed Æ how to use them. Leaving a bad aftertaste in the mouth, easy to swallow, do not leave a bitter taste, or unpleasant.
2. Caplet

3. Capsule
Capsules, from Latin, capsula, "small box" has many meanings:
• in the pharmaceutical field, the capsule is a small tube, the substance is easily soluble in water (a kind of agar) containing the drug powder. Included regular drug powder capsules as easier to swallow and avoid a bitter taste.
• a small room that was launched into space
Is a solid dosage of the drug in a hard shell or soft soluble.
Advantages / capsule dosage objectives are:
Cover the odor and bad taste
Avoiding direct contact with air and sunlight
More pleasing to the eye
Can for 2 stocks that are not physically mixed (physical income), with a separation between the other uses another smaller capsules then put together another powder into a larger capsule.
Easy to swallow.

4. Infusa.
Is a liquid preparation made by extracting simplicia vegetable with water at a temperature of 900 C for 15 minutes.
5. Syrup
Syrup (from Arabic شراب sharab, drinks) is a viscous liquid and has a high soluble sugar content, but hardly has a tendency to precipitate crystals. Viscosity (thickness) syrup is caused by many hydrogen bonds between the hydroxyl group (OH) in the dissolved sugar molecules with water molecules dissolve it. In engineering and in the scientific world, the term syrup is also commonly used to refer to a viscous fluid, usually residues, which contain solutes other than gula.Untuk increase levels of dissolved sugar, syrup usually heated. The solution becomes super-jenuh.Sirup syrup is also commonly used in the world of medicine, culinary and beverage.
There are three kinds of syrup that is:
a. Simplex syrup, containing 65% sugar in solution nipagin 0.25% w / v.
b. Syrup, containing one or more types of drugs with or without additional substances used for treatment.
c. Scented syrup, not containing the drug substance but contains a perfume or other flavoring. The addition of the syrup is intended to cover the taste or smell unpleasant medicine.

6. Suspension
Suspension is a liquid preparation containing solid particles dispersed insoluble in the liquid phase.
The suspension consists of several types, namely:
a. Oral Suspension is a liquid preparation containing solid particles dispersed in a liquid carrier materials and ditujukkan pengaroma suitable for oral use.
b. Topical Suspension is a liquid preparation containing solid particles dispersed in a liquid carrier which ditujukkan for use on the skin.
c. Optalmik Suspension is a sterile liquid preparation containing particles dispersed in a liquid carrier ditujukkan for use in the eye.
d. Suspension ear drops are liquid preparations containing fine particles which ditujukkan to shed the outer ear.
e. Suspension for injection dosage form is a suspension of powder in a suitable liquid medium and injected intravenously or into the spinal channel.
f. Suspension for injection is a solid dosage terkontinyu dry with a suitable carrier material to form a solution that meets all the requirements for sterile suspensions after the addition of a suitable carrier material.

7. Emulsion
Emulsions are preparations that contain a liquid drug or drug dispersed in a liquid carrier fluid stabilized with emulsifier or surfactant cocok.Emulsi is a heterogeneous system that are not thermodynamically stable, which consists of at least two immiscible liquid phases, where one of them dispersed in another liquid in the form of small droplets, the size of 0.1 to 100 mm, which is stabilized by emulgator / surfactant derived from the word cocok.Emulsi ertinya emulgeo that resembles milk, the color is white emulsion. In the seventeenth century is known only from grain emulsions containing fat, protein and water. Such emulsions are called vera emulsion or emulsion of nature, as emulgator used bij the protein contained in the
8. Guttae
Is a liquid dosage form of solutions, emulsions, or suspensions, intended for drugs in or out of medicine, used by dripping droplets using the dropper that produces the equivalent of frozen droplets generated dropper mentioned Farmacope Indonesia.Drops dosage can comprise, among others: Guttae (in medicine), Guttae Oris (mouth tets), Guttae Auriculares (ear drops), Guttae Nasales (nose drops), Guttae Ophtalmicae (eye drops).

9. Gargarisma
Gargarisma / mouthwash oral dosage form is generally in a state of concentrated solution that must be diluted before use. Intended for use as a prevention or treatment of strep throat. For example: betadin gargle.

10. Ointments
Is a semi-solid preparations intended for topical application to the skin or mucous membranes. Can also be said that simple semisolid dosage applied and used as an external medicine.Drug substance should be dissolved or dispersed homogeneously in a suitable ointment base.

11. Cream
ointments that contain lots of water, easily absorbed skin. A type that can be washed with water.

12. Pasta
an ointment containing more than 50% solids (powders). A thick ointment as a protective covering or skin of a given part.
According to FI III
Pasta is a dosage form of soft mass that is intended for external use. Usually made by mixing ingredients in the form of powder in large quantities with petroleum jelly or liquid paraffin or with no-fat ingredients are made with glycerol, mucilago or soap. Used as an antiseptic or protective skin.
According to the DOM
Pasta is a semi-solid dosage dermatological dilatan shows the flow that matters. When used, the pasta has a value of specific yield and resistance to flow increases with increasing force on the usage. Pasta is usually prepared by adding a powder that is insoluble significant (typically 20% or more) on a conventional ointment base so it will change the plastic flow of a stream dilatan ointment.
According to Scoville's
Pasta famous in the area of ​​dermatology and a thick, viscous ointment which basically does not melt at body temperature, thus forming a protective layer and hold on the area where the pasta is used.
According to the Prescription
Pasta is divided into two classes such as stocks ointment for external use. Fatty foods such as pasta pasta pasta ZnO and lean not contain glycerin with pectin, gelatin, tragacanth, and others. Pasta is usually very thick or stiff and less greasy than the ointment when powder materials such as starch, calcium carbonate on ZnO and its base has a high part.

Pasta is a semi-solid dosage used in topical dermatological show dilatan flow. Powders usually contain up to 50% until the pasta is more rigid and thicker and less greasy than the ointment.Pasta does not melt at body temperature and provide protection in areas where excess paste is used.

13. Suppository
Is a solid dosage in various weights and shapes, which are given through the rectum, vagina or urethra, usually melt, soften or melt at body temperature.
The goals of treatment are:
a. Local usage Æ facilitate defecation and treat itching, irritation, and inflammation due to hemorrhoids.
b. The use of systemic Æ aminophylline and theophylline for asthma, chlorprozamin for anti-vomiting, chloral hydrat for sedatives and hipnotif, aspirin for analgenik antipyretics.

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