In inpeksi, the parts that need to be in the observed eye is the eyeball, eyelids, conjunctiva, sclera, and pupil.
The way the eye inpeksi
1. Observe for the presence of protrusion of the eyeball, eye movements, visual field and visual acuity
2. Observe eyelids, note the shape and any abnormalities in the following way:
a. Instruct the patient to look forward
b. Compare the right eye and left eye
c. Instruct the patient to close his eyes
d. Observe the shape and condition the skin on the eyelid, and on the edge of the eyelid, every note any abnormalities, such as the reddish.
e. Observe the hair growth on eyelids associated with the presence / absence of eyelashes, and the position of the eyelashes.
f. Note the breadth of upper eye, or in the open or when the eyes open (ptosis)
3. Observe the conjunctiva and sclera in the following way
a. Instruct the patient to look straight ahead
b. Observe the conjunctiva to determine the presence / absence of reddish, the state of vascularization, as well as its location.
c. Pull the lower eyelid down with your thumb using
d. Observe the state of the conjunctiva and conjunctival bag bottom, note when acquired infection or pus or if the color is not normal, such as anemic.
e. When required, observe the upper conjunctiva, by the way proved / flip the upper eyelid with a nurse standing behind the patient
f. Observe the color of sclera during conjunctival memriksa which in certain circumstances may become jaundiced color.
4. Observe the color of the iris and pupil size and shape. then proceed to evaluate pupillary reaction to light. Normally a pupil is equal to (isokor). A smaller pupil called meiosis, very small-called pinpoint, while the pupils are dilated / dilation called midriasis.
How to inpeksi eye movements
a. Instruct the patient to look straight ahead
b. Observe whether the two eyes remain stationary or moving secar spontaneous (nystagmus) that rhythmic movements of the eyeball, first moving slowly in one direction, then quickly re-position to the original.
c. If found adany nystagmus, observe the shape, frequency (fast or slow), amplitude (broad / narrow), and its duration (hari.minggu).
d. Observe whether the two eyes looking straight ahead ata one having deviation
e. Straighten your index finger and hold it with a distance of about 15-30 cm.
f. Tell the patient to follow the movements of your fingers and maintain the patient's head position. Move your fingers toward the eighth untukk know the function 6 eye muscles
How to inpeksi field of view:
a. Standing in front of the patient
b. Assess both eyes separately ie by closing the eyes that are not checked
c. Tell the patient to look straight ahead and focus on one point of view, such as your nose
d. Your finger movements on a vertical line / from the side, hold the patient's eyes slowly
e. Instruct the patient to tell when your fingers start to see
f. Vicious eyes next to it.
Examination of visual acuity
a. Prepare a Snellen card or other card or cards for patients dewsa pictures for children.
b. Adjust the chair where patients sit with a distance of 5 or 6 m from the Snellen card.
c. Adjust the lighting is adequate so that the card can be read clearly.
d. Tell the patient to close the left eye with one hand.
e. Right eye examination performed by the patient was told to read the letters starting from the largest to the small letters and the last written record can still be read by the patient.
f. Next do the examination of the left eye.
Snellen card was made in such a way that certain letters were read by the optical center of the eye (the nodal point) makes an angle of 50 ˚ for a certain distance. Results of visual acuity written separately between the right eye (OD) and left eye (OS) which is indicated by the numerator / denominator. The numerator states the distance between the Snellen card with the eye, while the denominator of a letter stating the distance tetentu should be seen by normal eyes.
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