Monday, October 17, 2011


Every living creature has the genetic information that will be bequeathed to
the offspring. Genetic information is contained in the cell organelle that is the so-called
nucleus or the cell nucleus. Inside the nucleus is found that besides the existence of chromosome function
as a framework for the cell nucleus is also a material containing genetic information in
forms of a gene or DNA fragment.
Kromsom that in
resting state (interphase) berujud
grains of chromatin has
different forms. on
bacteria and blue algae
is a prokaryotic organism,
chromosomes are in the area
nukleoid (core material that is not
limited by the nuclear membrane) and
circularly-shaped or circular.
While the organism
eukaryotic, the chromosomes are in
the cell nucleus and thready
linear (straight). diversity
chromosome can also be distinguished
based on the location of centromeres.
In this case there krmosom
metasentris, sub metasentris,
akrosentris, and telosentris.
Whatever the variety,
chromosomes have in common is
in it found the existence of genes that occupy the existing loci. The gene is actually
piece of DNA that functions to control protein synthesis and determine the characteristics of a
the organism. Besides DNA, chromosomes also contain protein and RNA. Both DNA and
RNA both are equally composed of nucleotides. Nucleotides are the bonds
phosphate, sugar and nitrogen bases.
The term chromosome initially
presented by Weldeyer (1888)
derived from the Latin word "chroma" =
color and "soma" = body. called
Thus it is easy because the entity
absorbing dye when preparations
are colored. actually chromosome
an order for the cell nucleus. preformance
state of interphase chromosomes berujud
chromatin derived from the word
"Chroma" and "tin" which means
thread .. At the start of activity
cleavage, chromatin retracts
and thickened called chromosomes.
The next stage when the chromosomes
doubles called chromatids.

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