nursing management is a process of working through the efforts of members of the nursing staff to provide nursing care, treatment and assistance to patients, and nursing manager job is to plan, organize, lead and control of financial, material and human resources are there to provide nursing services as effectively as possible for each group of patients and families.(gillies(1994)).
nursing management process
nursing management process can also be seen from a systems approach, namely as an open system where each component is interrelated and interact and are influenced by the environment.
prinsp principles of nursing management
1. division of working
2. authority and responsibility
3. dicipline
4. unity of command
5. unity of direction
6. subordination of individual to generate interent
7. renumeration of personal
8. decentralization
9. scala of hierarchy
10. order
11. stability of tunnure personal
12. equity
13. inisiative
14. espirit de corps
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