Monday, October 31, 2011

Futsal Strategies To Win

By the time we play good futsal match atu practice of course we want to win the game, then what is the key so that we can win the game? the answer is the cohesiveness of the team.

Futsal is a collective game so it really depends once with teamwork in implementing the strategy game, a good individual skills going to be useless if the cohesiveness of his team and vice versa, although less good individual skills of the players is not very good (provided it's not bad really bad) but when it's created cohesiveness of the team likely to win in the game already can achieve although it is also not a sure thing there are other factors that influence.

So how to do to form a solid team cohesiveness?
1. The team have already established a good game that practicing or competing,
with players who remain
2. Understand each other's character and position of each
3. Establishing togetherness not only in the field but also off the field
4. Having a good leader is a coach or captain is respected by all players
5. Each player must think positively and to win the game rather than to
score a goal because it would cause an individual and not collective play.

Although there are many other factors to be able to win the game futsal, but the cohesiveness of the team is a major factor and is the key to success in achieving victory.
Hopefully useful!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The most frequent measurement is a measurement of body temperature, respiration, pulse, and blood pressure.because it is very important so-called vital signs.


temperature in question is hot or cold a substance. while the body temperature is the difference in amount of heat produced by the body and the amount of heat lost to the outside environment. pangukuran where body temperature, among others:
  • oral
  • axillary
  • tympanic membrane
  • esophagus
  • pulmonary artery
  • bladder

to start a healthy adult mean oral temperature of 37 c

nampu beach

Nampu beach is one beach that was in wonogiri.namun this name still feels strange for those of you who live outside the solo. Nampu coast including unspoiled beaches because not many people know. its beauty was to be missed. there is a rock cliff side beaches are very beautiful, white sand beaches are clean.for travel kesananya case not too long, from solo city about 3-4 hours you've arrived at the beach Nampu.

body image

body image is the way individuals perceive the body and the potential of the following body parts. individual focus on the physical form. the way individuals view themselves have an impact on aspects of individual psychology.


persepsi tentang bagaimana ia berperilaku berdasar standar, aspirasi, tujuan / nilai personal. hal yang berkaitan:
  1. pembentukan ideal diri (anak).
  2. remaja terbentuk melalui identifikasi terhadap orang tu, guru dan teman.
  3. dipengaruhi oleh orang yang dianggap penting.
  4. ideal diri mewujudkan cita-cita dan harapan.
  1. cultural factors
  2. ambition and desire to succeed and surpass others, realistic needs.
  3. desire to avoid failures


self-concept is the belief and confidence makes a person knows who he is and affects relationships with others.

  • positive body image.
  • a realistic ideal self.
  • positive self-concept.
  • high self-esteem.
  • formed as a result of interaction with others.
  • person's success in duty.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the term field of anatomy

the term field of anatomy
- The field of anatomy is a plane through the body in anatomical position
- The median field is a field that divides the body into the left-right and right part
- The sagittal field is a field that divides the two but not exactly right and left

physical examination

examination of consciousness
Neurological examination one of which is consciousness. status consciousness done in two options, namely:
1. qualitative assessment
2. quantitative assessment
qualitative assessment include:
-compos mentis
full awareness by providing adequate yanag response to the stimulus provided
indifferent to the circumstances surrounding
lower consciousness characterized by looking sleepy always wanted to sleep.
does not respond mild to moderate, but still provide little response to strong stimulation in the presence of pupillary reflex to light.

quantitative assessment can be measured through a scale glasgow.dengan comma comma category if they are below the value 8.

Monday, October 17, 2011


physiology is a derivative of biology that studies how life works physically and chemically. physiology using various scientific methods for studying biomolecules, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms overall physical function and chemistry to support life.
based on studies of objects known to human physiology, plant physiology and animal physiology, although the principles of physiology are universal, not dependent on the type oraganisme studied. for example, what is learned in the physiology of yeast cells can also be applied partially or entirely on human cells

maintain health

work out enough so that the body remains in a state fit and do not forget to eat foods that are nutritionally adequate. then you will be able to wake up his stamina and work / daily activities, but do not forget to also get plenty of rest.

nursing management

nursing management is a process of working through the efforts of members of the nursing staff to provide nursing care, treatment and assistance to patients, and nursing manager job is to plan, organize, lead and control of financial, material and human resources are there to provide nursing services as effectively as possible for each group of patients and families.(gillies(1994)).
nursing management process
nursing management process can also be seen from a systems approach, namely as an open system where each component is interrelated and interact and are influenced by the environment.
prinsp principles of nursing management
1. division of working
2. authority and responsibility
3. dicipline
4. unity of command
5. unity of direction
6. subordination of individual to generate interent
7. renumeration of personal
8. decentralization
9. scala of hierarchy
10. order
11. stability of tunnure personal
12. equity
13. inisiative
14. espirit de corps

Amino acid

Amino acids serves to increase alertness, reduce errors, and accelerate agility of mind.

There are 20 amino acids which are divided into two groups, non-enensial amino acids and essential amino acids. 12 types of amino acids of non-enensial in production by the body. While the eight remaining, in the form of essential amino acids must be obtained through food.

Amino Acids antra function as:

1. Constituent proteins, including enzymes.
2. basic framework of a number of important compounds in the metabolism (especially vitamins, hormones, and nucleic acids)
3. metal binding is important that the need in the enzymatic reaction (cofactor).

Amino acids in getting from the sources of protein. Proteins are organic compounds consisting of one or more amino acids. Proteins in getting through the daily diet in the dust in the digestive tract in the form of amino acids.

Every living cell contains protein. Proteins are organic compounds essential for living organisms and the highest concentration in the muscle tissue of animals. Protein is an essential ingredient that support life. Skin, bone, muscle, blood, hormones, enzymes and internal organs are all composed of protein.

Non-essential amino acid produced by the body include:

1. Tyrosine; the first time found in cheese. In humans, these amino acids are not esencial, but pembentukanya use of raw materials by the enzyme phenylalanine phehidroksilase. According to research conducted by the research institute of Environmental Health United States 1988, tyrosine also serves as our stimulant and sedative drug that eektif to improve mental and physical performance under pressure, without side effects. Tyrosine is contained in chicken liver, cheese, avocados, bananas, yeast, fish and meat.
2. Cysteine; though not an essential amino acid cysteine ​​is almost the same content of atoms with methionine. Cysteine ​​is also found in food such as chili, garlic, onions, broccoli, oats, and wheat bulis core.
3. Serine; first time in the isolation of protein fibers silk in 1865.
4. Proline; most important functions in the know as a component of proteins.
5. Glycine; the umu, the protein itself does not contain many glycine (except glycine in the collagen-containing two-thirds of its content). The human body produces insufficient amounts of glycine.
6. Glutamic acid; because glutamate ions that may stimulate some type of nerve that exist in the human tongue, glutamate utilized in the flavor industry. In everyday life in the form of salts found in the derivative of the call as monosodium glutamate or MSG.
7. Aspartic acid; often called aspartate. Its function in the know as our power of neurotransmitters in the brain and spinal muscles. Aspartate is also possible to play a role in resistance to fatigue.
8. Ariginin; even in non-essential for humans and other mammals, but ariginin can say as a semi essential amino acid because the production is very dependent on the level of development and health conditions. In children, ariginin very important. The main source of food ariginin found in livestock products like meat, milk, eggs, and various processed products. Meanwhile, from plant products, ariginin are found in chocolate and peanut seeds.
9. Alanine; found in other forms of food such as meat, fish, milk, eggs, and nuts.
10. Histidine; for humans, histidine is an amino acid essential for children.
11. Glutamine: an amino acid which is also known as acid glumatik. These amino acids serve as fuel of the brain that controls excess ammonia formed in the body due to biochemical processes. Naturally, glutamine is found in wheat and soybeans.
12. Asparagine; needed by the nervous system to maintain equilibrium and in need also in the transformation of amino acids. Asparagine is found also in the meat (all kinds of sources), eggs and milk (and products turunanya).

Amino acids are not essential in the production by the body, are as follows:

1. Tryptophan; is an essential amino acid, is obtained from several sources in karbonhidrat. Tryptophan found in eggs, meat, skim milk, banana, milk, and cheese.
2. Threonine: found in foodstuffs such as milk, meat, fish, and Sesame bici.
3. Methionine: is esencial. Therefore, it should be taken from food. The main sources of methionine hádala fruits, meat (chicken, beef, fish, milk (whole milk, several kinds of cheese), saturan (spinach, garlic, corn), as well as legumes (peas, pistacio, cashew nuts, red beans , tofu).
4. Lysine; contained in soy protein, bici legumes, and fish. Average lysine requirement per day is 1 to 1.5 g.
5. Leucine; widely available in foods that are high in protein, like meat, milk, brown rice and soybeans. In soy milk products are also a lot of the meet leucine content.
6. Isoleucine;
7. Phenylalanine; an essential amino asm into raw material for the formation of catecholamines. Catecholamines is known as a vigilance enhancer important for the transmission of nerve impulses. Fenilalamin found in chicken meat, sapai, fish, eggs, and soy.
8. Valine; found in livestock products like meat, telar, milk and cheese. In addition, this essential amino acid found in bici grains that contain oil such as peanut, sesame, and Gentil).

WHO (World Health Organization) reveals that the proteins of animal origin such as milk, meat, eggs, cheese, and poultry-containing amino acids in adequate levels. While the protein is in the womb of vegetables have a limited degree.

Fish as one of the food that is in need have the digestibility of protein is high at around 90%.

"The protein contained in fish was already able to meet two-thirds of human needs."

Protein content in fish is relatively quite large, about 15-25% per 100 grams. In addition, the protein content of fish consisting of various amino acids that is almost entirely in need by humans.

Everyday ordinary individuals consume different types of proteins. Proteins in getting through the food sometimes go along with carbohydrates and other nutrients. Banyaka nutrition experts recommend that if you want peak mental condition, so it's good to consume a third of the protein first before eating the other.

Psychosocial development

Psychosocial development is associated with the development of an individual's understanding of the social situation in his neighborhood. In real terms, psychosocial includes how a person knows what other people feel, how to express his feelings in a way that is acceptable to the environment. In addition, psychosocial also associated with a child's ability to break away from the mother or significant nearby and perform the given tasks independently. At the same time, psychosocial development also includes a child's understanding of the regulations that exist in the vicinity.
Thus the meaning of psychosocial disorders are abnormalities related to emotional functioning, and attention to surroundings. aya.
Some deviations or behavioral abnormalities arising in connection with these functions are:
• emotional disorders, emotional disturbances appear through extreme behavior like too aggressive, too pulling away, shouting, silence, too happy or too sad. This extreme behavior that does not appear within a minute and in inappropriate situations. Communities sometimes membeei labels on those who have these barriers as "bad boy" for example.
• Impaired attention, attention disorders appear to be difficulties in giving a child attention to surrounding objects, though in no long time. Included in this disorder are hyperactive, difficult to concentrate (adhd) and autism. At first glance, people with these disorders can look like a child with mental retardation, behavioral abnormalities, hearing loss or even odd and eccentric behavior. Even more difficult again is all of the above symptoms can occur simultaneously, so it can be said that children who have attention disorders include a complex disorder. To determine whether a child has this attention disorders, primarily autism, needs to be done by doctors, psychologists, therapists, teachers and parents key information, on the history of its development.


Every living creature has the genetic information that will be bequeathed to
the offspring. Genetic information is contained in the cell organelle that is the so-called
nucleus or the cell nucleus. Inside the nucleus is found that besides the existence of chromosome function
as a framework for the cell nucleus is also a material containing genetic information in
forms of a gene or DNA fragment.
Kromsom that in
resting state (interphase) berujud
grains of chromatin has
different forms. on
bacteria and blue algae
is a prokaryotic organism,
chromosomes are in the area
nukleoid (core material that is not
limited by the nuclear membrane) and
circularly-shaped or circular.
While the organism
eukaryotic, the chromosomes are in
the cell nucleus and thready
linear (straight). diversity
chromosome can also be distinguished
based on the location of centromeres.
In this case there krmosom
metasentris, sub metasentris,
akrosentris, and telosentris.
Whatever the variety,
chromosomes have in common is
in it found the existence of genes that occupy the existing loci. The gene is actually
piece of DNA that functions to control protein synthesis and determine the characteristics of a
the organism. Besides DNA, chromosomes also contain protein and RNA. Both DNA and
RNA both are equally composed of nucleotides. Nucleotides are the bonds
phosphate, sugar and nitrogen bases.
The term chromosome initially
presented by Weldeyer (1888)
derived from the Latin word "chroma" =
color and "soma" = body. called
Thus it is easy because the entity
absorbing dye when preparations
are colored. actually chromosome
an order for the cell nucleus. preformance
state of interphase chromosomes berujud
chromatin derived from the word
"Chroma" and "tin" which means
thread .. At the start of activity
cleavage, chromatin retracts
and thickened called chromosomes.
The next stage when the chromosomes
doubles called chromatids.


Laser (an abbreviation of the English language: Light Amplification by stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a mechanism for a device that emits electromagnetic radiation, usually in the form of light that can not be seen nor can see with normal eye, through the process of stimulated emission. Usually a single laser beam, emits photons in a coherent beam. Lasers can also be said to the effects of quantum mechanics.
In laser technology, demonstrate a coherent light source that emits wavelengths of light are identified from the same frequency, the phase difference is constant [1] and polarization. Furthermore, to produce a coherent light from the lasing medium is to control the purity, size, and shape. Continuous output of a laser with a constant-amplitude (known as CW or continuous wave), or rate, is to use the techniques of Q-switching, modelocking, or gain-switching.